I thought I would move the averaging tube away from the wall - it's hard to tell what air is doing in this weird shaped chamber but the POS FB showed that air smashes against walls while it looses energy -, so I looped the AT in a 12" circle on the board around the orifice.
40" dep, reading 28" converted, sample rate low at #3
40.0 301.7 300.2
40.1 300.3 298.8
40.0 302.2 300.7
40.0 300.2 298.7
40.1 301.7 300.2
40.1 301.6 300.1
40.1 301.0 299.5
40.2 300.0 298.5
40.1 301.9 300.4
40.0 301.4 299.9
40.0 304.2 302.7
40.1 299.3 297.8
40.0 303.8 302.3
40.0 302.0 300.5
40.0 302.0 300.5
40.0 301.4 299.9
40.0 301.1 299.6
40.0 303.0 301.4
39.9 303.9 302.4
40.0 301.0 299.5
40.0 300.4 298.9
40.0 300.9 299.4
40.0 301.2 299.7
40.0 301.2 299.7
40.1 298.7 297.2
40.1 299.7 298.2
40.0 301.1 299.6
40.0 302.4 300.9
40.0 300.6 299.1
40.1 300.8 299.3
40.1 298.8 297.3
40.1 302.3 300.7
40.1 298.5 297.0
40.2 301.4 299.8
40.1 300.0 298.5
40.1 299.3 297.8
40.1 302.4 300.9
40.1 303.4 301.9
40.1 301.0 299.5
40.1 303.2 301.7
40.1 302.2 300.7
40.1 301.5 299.9
40.1 300.8 299.3
40.1 301.5 300.0
40.1 303.8 302.2
40.1 302.6 301.1
Difference of 5.5, and 5.0 max and min subtracted
The stability of the AT seams to be a touch more steady
Old Grey wrote:0.040" restrictor on end of tube encased in a housing at 28" max to min = 8.5cfm
Averaging tube at 28" max to min = 11.2cfm
Each set of readings had erroneous blips that that accentuated the difference between max and min, so if the highest and lowest was removed it would be 5.9cfm and 5.5cfm.
40" dep, reading 28" converted, sample rate max at #20
40.1 301.5 300.0
40.3 301.6 300.0
40.2 299.5 298.0
40.1 302.0 300.5
40.1 301.7 300.2
40.1 301.0 299.5
40.2 302.1 300.6
40.1 302.0 300.5
40.1 301.4 299.9
40.1 299.8 298.3
40.2 301.8 300.3
40.3 301.7 300.2
40.3 300.5 299.0
40.3 300.4 298.9
40.2 301.3 299.8
40.3 301.2 299.7
40.3 300.5 299.0
40.3 301.2 299.6
40.3 302.3 300.8
40.3 302.0 300.5
40.3 302.0 300.5
40.3 300.6 299.1
40.3 300.9 299.4
40.3 302.0 300.4
40.3 301.6 300.1
40.3 302.0 300.5
40.3 302.5 301.0
40.3 302.3 300.8
40.3 300.7 299.2
40.3 301.8 300.3
40.3 301.9 300.4
40.3 300.8 299.3
40.3 302.8 301.3
40.3 301.6 300.1
40.3 302.8 301.3
Difference of 2.8, and 2.3 max and min subtracted
Then I did this weird thing and tested it at 28"
28" dep, reading 28" converted, sample rate max at #20
28.0 301.2 299.7
28.0 300.0 298.5
28.0 299.2 297.7
28.0 299.7 298.2
28.0 299.1 297.6
28.0 298.8 297.3
28.0 299.2 297.7
28.0 298.0 296.5
28.0 300.4 298.9
28.0 298.9 297.4
28.0 299.4 297.9
27.9 299.2 297.7
27.9 299.3 297.8
27.9 298.7 297.2
27.9 299.7 298.2
27.9 299.7 298.2
27.9 298.9 297.4
27.9 299.8 298.3
28.0 298.7 297.2
28.0 298.7 297.2
27.9 299.0 297.5
27.9 298.8 297.3
28.0 300.4 298.9
27.9 298.6 297.1
27.9 299.6 298.1
27.9 298.7 297.2
27.9 299.5 298.0
27.8 298.9 297.4
27.8 299.4 297.9
27.8 299.6 298.1
27.8 299.8 298.3
Even though I didn't change the cd, the cd seams to have to be different for different deps. Weird
So I went back to my 3.33" 3mm square edge internal orifice and cal-ed the top 300 PAP plate at 28" with 0.578.
I then tested it at 28", and max of 6 motors 40", and this is what I saw.
27.8 301.7 300.1
27.9 300.9 299.4
27.9 302.1 300.6
27.9 302.2 300.7
27.9 302.1 300.6
27.9 301.8 300.2
27.8 302.0 300.5
27.8 302.8 301.2
27.8 302.2 300.7
27.8 301.4 299.9
27.9 301.1 299.6
27.8 301.5 300.0
27.9 302.4 300.9
27.9 301.4 299.9
27.9 302.4 300.8
27.8 302.5 301.0
27.9 302.2 300.6
27.9 301.8 300.2
27.9 301.1 299.6
28.8 303.3 301.8
32.0 304.1 302.6
33.6 303.8 302.2
34.4 304.0 302.5
35.8 306.5 305.0
37.8 305.7 304.2
38.8 305.5 304.0
39.3 305.7 304.2
39.6 305.1 303.6
39.9 305.9 304.3
40.2 304.8 303.3
40.4 305.0 303.5
40.5 305.1 303.5
40.5 305.6 304.0
40.5 304.9 303.4
40.4 305.5 304.0
40.5 305.0 303.5
40.5 305.7 304.1
40.5 305.3 303.7
40.4 305.8 304.3
40.4 304.7 303.2
40.4 305.9 304.4
40.4 305.7 304.2