ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?

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ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?

Post by streetpirate »

I'm ready to finally start the final assembly for my several-years-in-the-making standard 8-motor PTS plan bench.

I'm worried a little about the order of operations of assembly. It seems to me that it would be easiest to tape off where all the panels will join, paint with vinyl/latex interior house paint(thats the stuff to use, right?), glue and screw it all together, then caulk the seams.

Is this how everyone is doing their assembly? How bad is access to the inside for sealing after it's all assembled? I have 10" deck plates in the large cavities so I could get an arm in but not really see what I was doing. I'm also concerned that if I'm assembling it slowly so I can caulk as I go, there is more of a chance of panels being ever so slightly off along the way that by the end something won't fit right. I have it all mocked up (just screws) now and I notice that the panels like to be tightened down in a certain order to get the best fit.

I'm just worrying about something being not-right after the glue's on. maybe better to use silicone instead of glue on the joints? Just in case?
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Re: ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?

Post by Brucepts »

I painted all my panels after pre-assembly, didn't mask them off.

Used yellow wood glue on panel ends, glued and screwed after pre-drilling holes, making sure the outside panel was clearance drilled to the threads pulled it tight.

Sealed using Phenoseal adhesive caulk as I went and finished off the areas inside the box through the motor door access or deck plate holes.

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Re: ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?


I assemble the whole bench with screws, glue and caulk sealant up to the point of putting on the top, front panel below motors and orifice front panel. Then I paint inside.
At this stage you can still get to every internal surface. (Check instructions but I'm pretty sure)
The remaining panels I then paint and fit. I go a bit overdrive on the liquid nails on these joints because its difficult to get at them again. In some areas you can get your fingers in to smooth out the liquid nails but its hard to get a caulking gun in there which is why I go overdrive with it and then smooth out

A lot of guys paint all panels before assembly and have no problems, I just prefer to do it the other way, I get the paint on nice and thick and sloppy so it seals in the edges, 2 or 3 coats at least.
Paint and glue are cheap, leaks are a bitch!

I really love making stuff but don't finish much
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Re: ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?

Post by streetpirate »

I'm painting during dry-fit assembly, then will re-assemble with glue and caulk. Thanks for sharing your experience!
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Re: ready for final assembly, glue caulk ant paint q's?


Good luck with it Pirate, post some pictures in the PTS area when you can!

I really love making stuff but don't finish much
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