Chad Speier wrote:I've had both digital boxes on the SF. The results are in this thread someplace. Neither matched the calibrated manometer numbers.
The pitot readings were the same. However the PTS pitot was way hot with the manometer. The Performance Trends pitot was dead nuts with the manometer, but I broke it.
Like I said the issue with the SF is the way it was calibrated. My plates match perfect at 10", but not 25 or 28". I can get either processor to match low or high number, but not both to the PTS. Exactly what the phone calls were telling me, I was 8-10 high with my PTS numbers, compared to a SF with Flowcom or manometers. Exactly what I found.
My PTS with the FP matched Darins SF w/Audie within 1-2. However, even with the Audie he still rotates the orifice disc. AND he is anal and calibrates his bench properly.
My thinking is the square hole in the SF is at a major disadvantage over a single sharp edge plate. Therefore, doing like I describe above nets the best results.
This all started because I think the SF is wrong and I'm right. I made it my mission to find the discrepancy.
Please elaborate a bit on the PTS pitot being hot with the manometer. That's got my attention