WAY TO GO CHRIS! Major accomplishment. What ever you do never stop trying. Not only will you have more money for your toys you will also live longer to enjoy them.
I quit 35 years ago. I finally replaced one habit with another. Instead of smoking I ate sunflower seeds in the shell. I figured out how to crack them in my mouth, eat the seed and spit the shell out. I was working out of my garage and just spit them on the floor. I told my self that I would not sweep up the shells until I knew I had finally quit. I ended up with about 2" deep of old shells on my floor. People would walk in and say What the Hell, you got a parrot?
I quit drinking and smoking and was able to afford a house and a new truck.
Way to go Chris!!!!!
You will find all the excuses under the sun to start.........But only one To NOT.........YOU!!!!!! You Can do it!
I quit 3 time before i quit for good. once for a girl, once for my son and the last one for my self!!! Can't blame any one but my self if i start again.
Been smoke free for almost 10 years now.
Thanks guys! I tried to quit in the past a few times, but this time feels a little different. I have a better point of view and the gum does help. But I am not chewing loads of it. I am over the first week hump, the hardest in my mind. I am more energetic and looking to get my car running no later than my 40th B-day. Cant believe I been smoking for close to 20 years. Hopefully I wont end up like my dad. The C word at 65 YO.
Thanks again.
Chris Sikorski
Hi Chris, I smoked four pac's a day long ago, Camel shorts. Finally quit over twenty years ago cold turkey. New it would eventually kill me. But if I can offer a suggestion, my wifes family all quit with the electronic cigarettes. We swore they would never quit but they all did. Just a suggestion if nothing else works. Good luck, Jim
So far so good guys using the gum here and there. I am more energetic than ever. I think this time I am finally over the "hump". Yes, sometimes I think of it after food or with a coffee, in the morning, in the brisk morning air.... . Not going back this time. Chest don't hurt, I stopped coughing, and saving 15 to 20 bucks a day.
Thanks for the support!!
Chris Sikorski
And $600 per month is one heck of a car payment not to mention how much better you will feel.
I remember when I quit and had not had a cigarette for over a year. I needed to get my heavy insulated coveralls out of the closet. It was a tight little closet that I had not been in for that year. When I opened it the cigarette smell from all my clothes that were in there hit me and I about puked. I thought, "did I smell that bad?"
You aint kidding John. Not a car payment but 18 mo no interest on a new electric stove with convection . Only problem is the fact the kitchen needs all new cabinets. Doing it myself, materials are still about 2200.00 . And I still want the car done!!! What to do, what to do.
Chris Sikorski