This or something like it should be our next DIY project. Young guy built this at home because he was bored. Works pretty good. An Iron Man laser glove that can destroy baloons!
At this blog article you will see a link where you can download a .pdf copy of the top secret documents that have just recently been released. The article was in last month's Popular Mechanics and was rather interesting.
What struck me is that here we have a U.S. military project, 18 to 24 months in duration, to design and test an entirely new type of aircraft and the cost in 1956 is budgeted at just under 3.2 million dollars. How much do you suppose the U.S. military could get done today with the equivalent of 3.2 million 1956 dollars? Even adjusting for inflation, they sure got a lot more bang for their buck back in day!
Isn't that the truth did you also notice that a lot of the building was taken place in Canada in fact I think most of was build in Canada very interesting story