Hey all,
I ordered some time ago 6 Lamb By-Pass Two Stage Ball Bearing Vacuum motors, which came in yesterday!!!!
The specs say these motors are able to produce 98 cfm each @ 100"wc.
Down to Lowes I went and picked up a sheet of 3/4" plywood.
I built a 12" x 12" x 48" plenum and cut (so far) 3 5.75" holes to mount the motors.
I spaced them starting 5" from the bottom at 10" on the front, 3 additional holes willbe spaced starting at 10" from the bottom on the RH end at 10".
On the LH side, I cut a 4.0" hole and radiused the edge with a 3/8" round off router bit centered on the bench plenum.
On the cabinet (flow bench), I removed the RH side cover and plenum end, Once I finish the plenum, it will attach and become the RH closure for the flow bench plenum.
I had previously built my own vacuum source, supplemented by 3 shop vacs, but quite frankly, it scared the hell out me whenever I used it! Although it was enclosed within a steel housing, a 13" diameter nylon prop turning at 40,000 rpm... I think you get my point!
Beside the inherent danger with running that beast, it was also extremely loud- my gf called it a screaming banshee!
So the bottom line is that I just wouldn't use it, and only use the 3 shop vacs, which regulated me down to only 12" - 14" max water column.
Hopefully, these Lamb motors will be able to produce enough cfms at 28" wc to give me standardized results.
The design goals for my bench are:
1. Self Contained
2. Portable
3. Easily modifyable / convertable (to orifice style if the design limits are reached or exceeded or ???)
OK, now for the questions:
Can I control all 6 motors with one of the Harbor Freight Router Speed controllers (without burning up the controller?)???
(Specs are 1050 Watts Each, i.e. 9 Amps)
Is the spacing or orientation of the motors critical or affect the performance?
Should I install a 4" 90 degree elbow inside the source plenum to help direct the flow towards the motors? (any gains to be had here?)
Has anyone used these motors? Do I have enough yet?
I did leave enough room for additional motors to increase capacity in the future if needed...
I'm a bit concerned about having enough electrical power (I'm limited here)...