1960FL wrote:Stef,
Your point is taken well but only if you are planning on doing everything in long hand arithmetic. I have searched High and Low for an economical fluid that could be used to replace water with the accuracy of water! There a lot of fluids with an SG of .99 to 1.01 but all you do not want to be around (Touch, smell etc). You could get into mixing multiple fluids like Dot 5 & something that is say 1.04 (Dot 3) in a 50/50 mixture to get an SG of 1.0 but then again your searching for something that will mix and still be clear and fluid and not gue in my brake line… The point behind Dot 5 was most of us use a computer to do the calculations and therefore it is easy to adjust for the SG difference. The SG has little to no effect on the incline as this is not a linear scale and unless you are using a % scale it is just a number you plug into a formula, then again if you are using a % scale you most likely made that so adjust it for the .963 SG. So for me if I know that my test depression is 28” then I set my mark at 29.0758 but remember if I am using water that could be from 28 to 28.125+ depending on where you got your water and how contaminated it is (Saponifier, dye, etc) ?
So my point is with our ability to do advanced calculations on the fly and since Depression is just an arbitrary point no one can decide on (10”, 16”, 25”, 28”, 34”, 40”,60” etc.) A known line on a stick is just fine, the rest is math as long as you consistently set your depression to that line on the stick, then again maybe we can get Bruce to have a vertical monometer scale made to a .963 SG fluid LOL!
IMHO and of course my working on the project gives me bias, I like Water as a Datum and find life a little simpler using the PTS Digital Monometer.
After thought
figured it would be better to warm this thread back up then to start a new on.
My U tube will soon be eliminated with Bruce's motor control, Which is GRATE!!! NO MORE FROZEN GAUGE TO MELT!
BUT, my incline is colored water to!
My incline is is 12" rise, 36 long
I got a spread sheet from the old forum to convert the incline inches to cfm.
Here's the Question
can i just change the water to "Marvel Mystery Oil" and change the sg from 1.0 to .8xx of MMO
O Crap it don't figure it that way in my spread sheet.
It came off of the old forum. The first on is for calibrating my bench and the 2nt if for the incline......thought it just had a SG number that i could change.
It shows Density of Water at 62.28 lb/ft2(don't know how to make a small 2)
What is Density of MMO in lb/ft2
It's in Microsoft excel (non commercial use) but i have no clue how to take a pic of it and post it..........................
I will just take a picture LOL