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CFD of Bench
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:37 pm
by OwenMM
Has anyone else done any CFD sim work on their bench? I'm just learning how to use ansys CFX so these results may have a lot of problems but I thought I'd put up my initial results here for comment anyway. Modelled with a 100cfm calibration plate on top and a 2.5" plate inside, I have to go back and rerun it with the correct size internal plate, I didn't have it handy when I was modelling.
I'll put some more up when its been refined a bit.
Re: CFD of Bench
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:58 pm
by OwenMM
Found some time to tidy the model up a bit, no amazing revelations here but it's interesting to see the movement around the baffles.
Re: CFD of Bench
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:40 pm
by Brucepts
Gives you a good idea of why they are in there.
Re: CFD of Bench
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:33 pm
by Tom Vaught
Great CFD Work! The Baffles do work well.
But most of the installs are based on "that looks about right" type installations.
Could you do a matrix of tests with different plenum volumes/ volume shapes and then do a sweep height for the baffle from say 2" away from the orifice plate to the baffle location and identify where the baffle stops working properly?
Also do single hole vs spread hole (multiple orifices) configurations?
Tom V.
Re: CFD of Bench
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:06 pm
by Brucepts
Tom Vaught wrote:
Could you do a matrix of tests with different plenum volumes/ volume shapes and then do a sweep height for the baffle from say 2" away from the orifice plate to the baffle location and identify where the baffle stops working properly?
Tom V.
This was done on the initial design of the PTS style bench and found to be less than 3" had an effect on the flow through the orifice plate.
Discussion probably can be found on the old forum archive
Would be interesting to see if it showed the same in CFD
Re: CFD of Bench
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:11 am
by OwenMM
I'll try set up another run over the holidays, I've finished the CFD course I was starting when I did the sim above so might be able to get some better results now I understand a little more, but the student licence makes doing something like the full flowbench pretty hard with the cell/node limit.