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All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:56 pm
by Brucepts
. . . as quiet as it's been here everyone better be doing some flowbench work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lack of forum interest due to the new format?
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:12 pm
by JakesPorting
I have a few things to post up

mainly pictures of some recent heads and a couple diy
items for the folks to look at.
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:16 am
by jfholm
Sorry Bruce,
Doug sent me an email reminding me that the end of the World is in 2012 and I can't retire until 2013 so I am screwed again!

I have been depressed every since.
I am trying to work on my bench, life has been hectic for the last little while. I can't wait to retire as I just really don't have time to work anymore.
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:10 am
by blaktopr
I think it will come around in due time. Its the beginning of the racing season. I also wonder how many members know about the new forum.
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:01 pm
by Flash
blaktopr wrote:I think it will come around in due time. Its the beginning of the racing season. I also wonder how many members know about the new forum.
I will 2nt that!
Beside, it's kinda like putting on a new clean white have it, too get dirty in.............but you treat it, like it is a dress shirt until you get the first stain!
I plan on copy and pasting all the good meat of my 340/360 thread over here, and continuing on with it, but haven't had the time to do so yet!
The wife thing were going Jeeping for Easter, in Moab Ut!(her home town) The problem is, i haven't touch my jeep in over a year........and it needed work then!
I like the new forum, it's more user friendly.
I have invited, a few people over here.
I'm real selective tho...........
I like the way this forum is run, and every one In it!
Would never want to tarnish that!!!!

Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:50 pm
by Malvin
Its the beginning of the racing season.
It was the First day here at are local track today Test & Tune
we were tunning a SBC 350cui today that my son and I built
runs good we did not have any lights or timer for the ET but
it was all good to have the Sun on your face!!!
I really like this New Forum

Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:17 pm
by 1960FL
Until we get the bugs worked out of some the features I would ask that when you post pictures you scale them so as not to run off the page I have a 22 inch monitor and am still having to scroll to read many of the post with big pictures.
Thanks for undertanding.
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:26 pm
by MrHijet
I like the new forum. Its much easier to work with.
Give the people the time to actually switch from the old to the new forum. Eventually it would be a good Idea to write a notification email to all members of the old forum to join the new. I am sure there are many users which haven't heard from the new board.
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:13 pm
by hdwgfx
maybe lots are reading/learning the old forum?
when is the old forum going to be read only?
how about a redirect making users come here to get to old forum, might help... jmo
Re: All I have to say is . . .
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:37 pm
by Brucepts
Right now most anything I need to do is on hold with computers while I resurrect my office computer from a crash last weekend.
I'm working off an old slow laptop to get email and on the web and somewhat function. Once I get back up and running at speed I'll start making changes. Anything that I need to do in regards to the website is painstakingly slow to say the least.
I am able to access the files on the crashed HD but can not boot from it. I sent a new HD to Rick for formating and Windows reloading and once that is back to me I'll reload my programs. Good thing is most all the software I use is Open-Source and downloadable again but Windows XP is not and I didn't want to mess around with my old HD and risk losing data files.