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Technology Gone Wrong

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:13 pm
by 1960FL
Ok some of you may have figured out that I like Bourbon and i should not post after having a couple, but the fact is that i come from a family that has made beer and whiskey in the old country for generations. So my younger brother is way into Beer and makes some of the best i have ever had not kidding, my older brother has worked in the liquor business for 30 years and knows just what goes into making it (Food Science/Chemistry Major). So me with the shop, the welders, the love of metal well I'm starting down this path to build a little contraption to fill Oak charred barrels with refined mash :mrgreen:.

Now you say what does this have to do with a FlowBench :?: Me TOO.... So here i am tonight reading a thread from years ago on this "Home Distillers Forum" and damn if not in the 7th page of a great thread does some AssHat have to bring up CFD....

Now you can't even build a HillBilly moonshine still without some J-O telling you he can do it better with his CFD Program.

SO wish me luck, and no i am not going to flow any of the piping on my bench.
