by 49-1183904562 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:27 pm
From strictly a theoretical point of view yes it can be done as that is what the OEM do with it, the real issues that one will run into are 1.) need of advanced electronics knowledge (Analog and Digital), 2.) The ability to display your information (Analog to a electromechanical meter or digital to the computer) these again are advanced skills and 3.) The mass air sensors are designed to work within the given range of the application thus accuracy and repeatability may be an issue when you move out of the working range of the sensor. (this all assumes you know the calibration of the given unit)
In comparison to a metal plate with a hole bored in it (cheep from Bruce) or a piece of pvc with a APT (also Cheep from Bruce) inserted in it, a couple of yard/meter sticks, a few feet of vinyl tube and a cup of water. I am hard pressed to see where this would end up being cheaper or even close to as accurate.
That said with a working bench in hand as a test bed it might be a fun project to get a cheep Mass air sensor flow it on the bench and begin an advancement in education.
PS. I think if you search the board you may find a post or two where Tom Vought discusses building such a device in his years of experience.