Hello everyone. My name is Dale and I live in Moulton, AL. I found this forum through Google. I am building a flowbench using the "Car Craft" design. I have a few questions regarding this. First of all, this bench is for my own personal use, so really, getting exact numbers doesn't matter. Basically just getting the flow difference between unported and fully ported heads that I will be working on. I've got the design down pretty good but the pages from Car Craft that I have are kinda fuzzy. The U-tube manometer is no problem, but building the inclined manometer is a problem. Basically I have no idea where to start. Also on the exhaust tubing that connects the plenum box to the vacuum box, the pictures I have are pretty much unreadable. So if anyone has some insight into this type of bench please help out. Here is a link to the Car Craft type bench. I got this link off of Performance Forums. The Car Craft bench is the "Article 3"
Thanks for any help you can give me.