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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - Where is the picture of the Ford flow bench?

Where is the picture of the Ford flow bench?

Discussion on general flowbench design

Postby bruce » Wed May 03, 2006 7:18 pm

Jesse is the grinding dust getting to you? :D
"There is no more formidable adversary than one who perceives he has nothing to lose." - Gen. George S. Patton
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Postby 86rocco » Wed May 03, 2006 7:26 pm

I'm building a conventional bench but I think Jesse's point about thinking "outside the box" is a good one. I'm building a box only because I want my bench to be somewhat portable. If I had the shop space available to permanently dedicate to a "flow measurement system" I would seriously consider doing things differently. I'd probably make my blower box remote, maybe in the attic space of the shop with pneumatic or cable operated doors to change direction and an air duct down to the business end of the system which might consist two plenums one connected to the blower box duct the other connected to the test stand with a of a few pipes connecting the plenums with a different sized flow elements in each pipe and a gate type selector valve for each pipe
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Postby Tony » Wed May 03, 2006 7:37 pm

I am starting to think "modular" myself. Three separate components, the blower, the test stand, and the flow measurement system.

Each could be improved or upgraded individually as ideas or finances permit.

Whenever I build something, anything !

Later I can always see how I could have done it better or more simply.
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Postby larrycavan » Wed May 03, 2006 10:43 pm

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Postby Thomas Vaught » Wed May 03, 2006 11:25 pm

Jesse, I really like your enthusiasm!

No matter at what point you are, you can always learn better ways to do things with a flow bench.

This board has been a tremendous resource.

Thanks Bruce.

Tom V.
Thomas Vaught
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Postby Mouse » Wed May 03, 2006 11:26 pm

25 - 1000 cfm

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Postby Thomas Vaught » Thu May 04, 2006 10:53 am

John, are your FE20 and FE30 units bi-directional or do they need to be rotated 180 degrees for exhaust flow measurement?

Tom V.
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Postby Mouse » Thu May 04, 2006 11:04 am


They are bi.

Edited By Mouse on 1146755402
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Postby larrycavan » Thu May 04, 2006 11:38 am

Truly there are any number of directions that one could go with flowbench construction. The forum has opened up the door with enough information and equipment for anyone to take on any project they so choose.

You can make the bench as simple or as complex as you feel the need to have it. You can spend a little as a few hundred dollars or vast amounts of money with fancy devices.

I think the expansion of concepts stems from all the knowledge and understanding that has been accomplished through this forum. Guys are really getting a handle on the calibration of different flow measuring systems. Without that, the rest doesnt' mean much. Once calibration is understood, the mind naturally begins the process of extending what is to what could be.

This forum in some respects brought about a revolution because for the first time, there is a single library of information available 24 x 7 x 365 from any place on the face of the earth with an Internet connection.

I've hung out here for a year now. In that amount of time I've watched the progressive engineering concepts expand into some very impressive equipment built by ordinary, every day people that previously lacked only a comparatively small piece of knowledge in order to succeed. That says something. In fact, that says a great deal about the abilities of the average person with determination and desire. It also says something about those who posess the information and are willing to share it freely.

We may not all agree on everything. We may not always accept or give criticism properly. We may on occasion get ticked off because we feel we're being misunderstood. Those are all aspects of human nature. None the less, the success achieved by the efforts of every single person that posts here cannot be disregarded or disrespected. The results speak for themselves.


Larry C
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Postby riga team » Thu May 04, 2006 5:09 pm

It agree with LARRY. ALREADY half a year at a forum and not knowing English at all: huge thanks BRUCE and to everyone who assists advice. It is really class party of adherents. Anatolij
riga team
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Postby Tony » Thu May 04, 2006 6:07 pm

Definitely agree with all of the above.

There are some very clever and resourceful people here, this has to easily be the number one flow bench resource on the internet.
Also known as the infamous "Warpspeed" on some other Forums.
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