I recently purchased the great Smoky Yunich autobiography/ racing / technical book set. What a life!
It's great reading, especially the technical stuff.
Now, one of the pictures showed a 4 cylinder Pontiac motor, (which I happen to race) on an engine stand. What was startling, was the large hole and hose flange in the oil pan, and I realized what it was. It was a complete flow bench!
Just think about it. Take a scrap block (it could even be cracked), remove the crank and pistons, cut a hole in the pan and braze or weld (or glue?) a piece of tubing on, the same size as the hose to the blower.
Put the head or heads on, intake manifolds, carbs, exhausts or headers. Now it becomes a matter of opening each individual valve.
Hmmmm. Maybe you could put an electric motor on the cam, and rotate it to measure dynamic instead of static flow. I wonder if there's any valvue to such a test?
Oh well, I'm going to build it. Thanks, Smokey. We miss you!
For what it's worth,