by Christian » Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:50 pm
Hhmmm im thinking of port mapping myself, first of ther is a physics equation for such probes that takes into consideration the different desnity of water, i can supply that equation if wanted, also about port mapping i had some ideas, wasnt there some sort of theory by smokey yunick to test ports during 70-80perc. valve lift since there the valve has the most "mean" flowamount?? With pistonvelocityebuationsw one could calculate the piston velocity leading to intakevalocity of course not considering the sonicphenomenia happening. Most of the somwhat good engine software also does pressure indicatordiagrams with crankangle on the x axis. also i think i read once an article by reher where he said probing is done at about 12" but im not quite sure about that. But hey you made me curious about the book! Is there a title and were can on order?? Do you want the equation???