by 5.0joe » Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:23 am
So it is not a necessity to be able to flow in both directions for exhaust port testing? I have read a lot of mixed thoughts on this on different sites. I have already ordered the radius flow guide for the intake ports, so that is covered. But I have read that sucking through the exhaust port will cause the air to shear as it hits the sharp edge, as would the intake port without the radius guide. Now, my concern is, in proving this project out to my design advisor, I have to be close to professionally tested values (+/- 10%, corrected to 28 in. H20) for both intake and exhaust ports. So, if I can simply add like a 6" long piece of exhaust tubing to the port with a matching bolt pattern and I can still suck air through and get similar readings to what a Superflow will get (even if it is blowing), then I am all for that idea. If not, maybe I can put two orifice holes on one disc with opposite facings edges, then have a rotating mechanism to control the disk for intake or exhaust testing. To the next line of business, I did a lot of research tonight on proper sizing of a settling chamber. It seems that a good universal size is 24"x24"x18" deep, with the divider and orifice plate(s) in the middle. Is it appropriate or okay to go any smaller than this to conserve space, or does everyone recommend that size? I will work on a revised sketch of the proposed system with the settling chamber incorporated and have it up soon. In the mean time, I'm gonna keep on cramming my brain with the wealth of flow bench knowledge on here.
Thanks All!