by 2seater » Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:06 am
This is somewhat related to the question of using a MAF for flow measurement, but is a different angle on it. I am not using the MAF as the flow element, but I am testing it on a pitot style flow bench. The MAF is mounted to the test hole and the frequency output is used to get the mass of the air flowing through it. I have the GM charts for grams per second vs frequency output, and there appears to be a substantial difference between flow rate in cfm vs the calculated weight of that same flow. I did find the mass of the air I was using for the conversion was too high, and this has moved the figures closer together but a difference remains. This brings up this question: since depression is not used as part of the calculation for air flow, should the density of the air used to calculate cfm vs grams be reduced to account for the lower atmosheric pressure inside the flow tube? I know the Excel formulas account for barometric pressure and temperature, converting them back to standard but I can't get around the lower pressure under the test hole makes the air less dense downstream of the mass measuring instrument? Does this make sense and if so, what should be done?