by 84-1074663779 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:46 pm
The whole situation of rating blowers is extremely complex, but there are a few guidelines to steer by.
First, there is no definite reliable relationship between flow and developed pressure, that will depend on the actual type and design of the blower rotor(s). For centrifugal blowers the shape and design of the fins in the rotors, and the number of stages connected in series will create some sort of pressure/flow characteristic curve that will be quite different for different blowers.
For example a large diameter single stage industrial centrifugal blower will produce an almost constant pressure over a very wide flow range.
A very small high Rpm multistage (vacuum cleaner type) blower can develop massive pressure at low flow, but as flow increases the pressure it can develop falls off very quickly.
The effect of this is that if you take two blowers that can both deliver say 200 CFM at thirty inches of water. If you completely seal the inlet (or outlet) of the big single stage industrial blower, measured pressure may go up only to thirty five inches at zero flow. On the other hand your multi stage vacuum cleaner motor might go to well over one hundred inches of developed pressure at zero flow.
On the other hand if you ran both blowers completely open with no back pressure at all, the big industrial might go to 500+CFM, the vacuum cleaner struggle to only 300 CFM.
You can never estimate the pressure versus flow characteristic, it must be tested and measured. *Hint* a blower with a very flat pressure characteristic makes a much better flow bench blower. It will hold a constant stable test pressure much more easily than something with a very peaky pressure/flow curve.
It all comes down to tip speed, internal flow area, and number of stages in series. A big single is going to be quite different to a very small multistage with small internal flow areas.
The second factor is blower efficiency. Air versus amps, if you like to think of it that way.
This can be worked out, as it is a fairly straightforward thermodynamics problem. Assuming an impossible 100% blower adiabatic efficiency, where all mechanical work is converted to moving and compressing the air, required blower shaft power would be:
Hp = CFM x psi / 229
This makes a few assumptions about air inlet conditions, but is close enough for us. (Note 1psi is about 28" of water).
That figure is impossible to achieve in practice, we need to allow for blower design efficiency. That can be anything from 10% to 70%. So you divide the above Hp figure by the efficiency to come up with REAL required shaft drive power.
The electric drive motor comes into it as well, how efficiently it can convert amps into shaft Hp. So again you need to divide by motor efficiency. 80% might be a rough guess, but it will vary quite a bit depending on the type of motor.
Working through a rough example for a single stage industrial forge blower with an 18" rotor diameter, driven by a 10Hp three phase motor (via pulleys) at roughly 6,000 Rpm.
Measured performance might be 500 CFM at 60" water pressure. Theoretical "air" horsepower 500 x 2/229 = 4.4 Hp
Estimated blower efficiency 45%. Real required shaft drive power 10Hp. While the mathematics are a bit shonky, those are pretty much the actual figures I am getting with my bench.
If you plan on using multiple vacuum cleaner motors, I strongly suggest plotting a pressure/flow curve, and measure the motor current at various operating points. Both the curve, and efficiency will vary over a wide range. From that you can then plan on how many motors will be needed, or how many can be run from total available power.
One advantage of using an old supercharger blower is that they are fairly efficient (>50%), and curves are usually available for them.
I have no idea what the expected efficiency of a vacuum motor is, it has been many years since I used them. Perhaps someone here can run some tests to find out?
It takes a lot of Hp and a lot of amps to build a high capacity bench. If by using a different type of blower, you could quite conceivably double the efficiency, that is going to make a rather large difference to what you can finally achieve. So it is well worth taking the trouble to go through all this in some detail.