Discussion on general flowbench design

Postby terry allen » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:52 pm

HI Ihave just finished my flow bench i have 12 std mini 998 cc heads that have to stay bog std to race in the uk autograss but i am looking to find the best head out of the 12,What is the best way to use the flow bench is there a set way to work with a bench i need to see the basic methods of use and how to record results ect cheers Terry
terry allen
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:53 pm

Postby 106-1194218389 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:37 pm

I think we need to start by having you tell us what kind of bench you have and what are it's capabilities. I think then you will get a better answer from us. And Welcome aboard. I love this site, people from all over the world enjoying the same thing and enjoying each other.

Postby terry allen » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:53 pm

HI John thanks i have built a orifice plt bench with 5 1000w fans that i had from an old dust cyclone i have got all 5 in a box and can suck or blow (my mate says it sucks like a back street w**** ) he needs a life, it seem to have loads of power with all five fans running i had a 32.3mm orifice plt in and valve open at 100 th it cleared allthe water from the manometer Terry
terry allen
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:53 pm

Postby 106-1194218389 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:54 pm

What I would probably do if it were me is take one head and open the valve to max lift plus maybe .100" in or 2.5mm. See how high of a depression you can pull in test mode. Test the heads at that depression. Every lift you will have to adjust to that same test pressure. Now you do want to have a test intake adaptor bolted up to the head. The inlet the same as the port opening and at least 1/2" or 13mm thick. Radius the opening with a router. This is so you will have the exact same test on each head. When you test the exhaust port you want a short stub pipe mounted, I would say 6" to 9" long, or so your friend understands, a pecker length long. :;): I would start flowing the ports at .050" or 1mm and flow test at every .050" or every mm up to the max lift you have chosen. Record the flows and add them all together and then divide by the total number of flows you have taken for each port. That way you will get the average flow for each port. The one with the highest average is probably the one I would use. My friend is actually running a Mini Cooper here in the USA, Utah at Miller Motor Sports Park.

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