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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - Kangaroos in Australia - I need your assistance please guys..

Kangaroos in Australia - I need your assistance please guys..

A place to talk about things that do not fit into any other forum, only members may post to keep out the SPAM

Postby Greg » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:58 am

Heres a post that has nothing to do with flowbenches. In my spare time, or half the time when i should be working I am Vice President of Wildcare NSW, an organisation that rescues and rehabilitates injured and orphaned Australian native animals.

I need some help.. Last year the Local Government of the Australian Capital Territory ordered the killing of over 400 Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Yes, the same ones on the tourism adverts to come to Australia) trapped on a former Defence Department site in the area.

The DOD approached Wildcare to find an alternative and we prepared a report outlining a program of translocation and reproductive interventions which was accepted by the DOD as the most humane approach and put out to tender.

The program was well underway until the local government refused to grant a permit to move the kangaroos to the sites we had organised and demanded the animals be killed.

You can visit for more information and to sign a petition to ask the local Government to allow the translocation.

Your views on the petition would be greatly appreciated as the government here can not afford to have a poor reputation internationally as Australia relies heavily on tourism.

Thanks guys,

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Location: Queanbeyan, Australia

Postby larrycavan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:41 pm

Done. That's just wrong no matter how you look at it.
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Postby larrycavan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:46 pm

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Postby larrycavan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:47 pm

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Postby racehead-1 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:18 pm

[color=#000000]Done. Animals are also our friends. Without them we have less friends. SO don
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Postby Greg » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:46 am

Thanks Guys,

Your support is greatly appreciated. We have been flat out trying to have this changedbut i imagine you would understand how hard it is, politicians seem to be self serving bastards worldwide.

We raise orphaned roos, as well as wombats, echidnas, possums, snakes and lizards and this one action being forced by the local government will negate any difference we have made or will make for the rest of our lives.

some photos below on some of our recent little guys:
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Location: Queanbeyan, Australia

Postby larrycavan » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:39 pm

I sent email to Dept. of Defense and your Prime Minister as well. You pour your heart out trying to save animals and some politician comes along and thwarts all your efforts. I feel for you guys. Believe me.

Those that do wrong to animals will one day come to answer for it. At least I hope so....
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