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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - Decals
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:11 am
by bruce
Does anyone have experience with getting decals made? I would like to get some simple decals made of my logo in various sizes. I did a Yahoo and Goggle search and there are companies all over who do this but I'd prefer dealing with someone who someone else I know has dealt with already.

Any good leads? Thanks in advance . . .

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:21 am
by 86rocco
Way back when I was just out of high school, I worked for a company (now defunct) that was in the graphics industry, and from that experience, I can tell you that getting decals made is no big deal just about any local print shop or sign maker can do it for you. I'd suggest that you go visit a few, most will gladly discuss your options, show you some examples of their work and work out estimate for you.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:27 pm
by wing64k
Bruce,try www.scsigns.net,he is the guy who does my sprint cars and he's close to you,Lansdale,Pa.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:53 pm
by Tony
I have not actually had decals made, but a few years back when I was in business, I had some professionally made up multi colored printed plastic front panels for electronic equipment made up.

86rocco is on the right track. Go and sniff out a few local printing companies around your own area that you can locate from the telephone book. Commercial printing is a very competitive business these days. They will be more than happy to show you samples of their work they have completed for other customers. It will give you a very good idea of what is possible, and the costs involved for different alternative materials, techniques, adhesives, and quantities.

The first thing they will probably ask you is "do you have the artwork with you", and "what format is it in". These days it would probably be some sort of CAD file rather than an actual physical photographic transparency as it was back when I did it.

Visiting the premises, discussing ideas, and seeing samples of their work is far better than dealing with anonymous strangers over the internet. Otherwise, what you eventually receive may not be at all anything like what you expected.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:27 pm
by gofaster
Something to consider is how many designs scripts, logos etc..., that you can you can fit on a pane. My son's business does more with decals than I ever thought about. One of the things he does to save money is to have each sheet filled with different sized logo's and images that he can cut out for different applications.
Like 86rocco said, you should find this easy to source locally.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:21 pm
by Hopper