by Shawn » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:20 pm
thanks for the input.Thanks also for the reply to my email from TOO's board. I have changed direction a little bit, going to a pitot tube style bench vs. a LFE.I have some plans drawn up. If I can find a way, i'll post them here, or email them to you for your opinion.
I plan on having a chamber with the motors and two air control valves.One to open for intake flow, the other for exhaust, that's why the two annubars. One for each direction of flow.I didn't want one to affect the reading of the other, that's why the two parallel "meter runs".My idea, if i can explain it, is to drop vertically from the left front side of the bench, into a 90* bend, run horizontally from there for whatever desired length needed to place the annubar in this run, and 90* bend sending it toward the back of the bench, ( i have about 20" of room to do this),into a 90* bend to send it back on a long run to the left end of the bench. This is where i would place the other annubar.This run would end in a 90* vertical bend to the top of the vaccum chamber.I have re-thought the amount of air director's and i'm going to just settle for two, about 25" up stream of each annubar, in relation to the travel of the air, of course.
Another question I have is about a "settling" chamber just under the deck of the bench. Is this required, or recommended?If so what should it look like? A "V" shaped box or maybe just a large diameter tube?(maybe 10"-12")?
hope this makes sense,