Some more things to consider. I found the application notes on the MPX5010dp on the free scale site. And the ANI1646 about Decoupling caps. Read:
One thing that caught my eye was how you supply voltage to this thing. I don't think I can supply voltage to the Dataq unit because it runs on the serial port. So, if it has to have it's own power supply, how do I make sure it stays the same all the time. Would using batteries for this be better than a wall plug? If the voltage in varies so will the voltage out. Any thoughts as to how to deal with this? Perhaps the Dataq unit has a power out let for this kind of situation. I'll look into that.
Is there a good wall plug to use that does not fluctuate with house power? The one I have is just a universal type you would find at radio shack. 1.5v-12v
This is great fun!
If you get tired of educating me let me know.