First of all, many thanks to Bruce for helping me with registration to this forum. Now that I can get right in there I've found a wealth of very informative stuff.
Anyway, I'd like to introduce myself as a complete flowbench novice, so please don't be surprised if I ask questions that have already been asked a million times, but I just need some help on a few things.
My first flowbench is close to completion. I 'borrowed' the rough ideas from the MSD plans and then modified them to what I wanted. What I've ended up with is a bench almost identical to forum member cfm200's bench. Please don't acuse me of plagiarism, it was purely coincidental.
Moving on, thanks to the info in this forum, I think that I've sucessfully completed the set up of the inclided manometers, but just to be sure I'd be most grateful if someone could just verify the following:
I want to attach a picture of the bench but I don't know how.
My bench has three main chambers (like cfm200's bench). The vertical manometer is probed into the top (1st)chamber, the other end open. The inclined manometer has the reservoir end connected to the 1st chamber (same as vert. manometer) with the other end probed to the 2nd chamber. The orifice plate separates the 1st and 2nd chambers. 3rd chamber houses the motors, which exhaust through holes drilled in the side of the cabinet.
When I run up the motors, everything seems to function correctly.
Next I wanted to verify the incline so I followed cfm200's method of using a hand pump (it was 11.30pm last night and I didn't want to upset the neighbours!), and connected the 1st chamber hose end from the vert manometer and the 1st chamber hose end from the incline manometer to a 'T' joint and then to the hand pump. I pulled 12" differential on the vert manometer, and this corresponded perfetly to the 12" height on the incline. As I slowly relesed pressure 1" at a time I noted the height change on the incline and it matched up nicely, all the way to zero. Incline length is as shown in the drawing, and I'll use the spreadsheet on this site to make the percentage scale. first main question is; is that the correct way to do it?
A very quick (suction) leak test showed almost nothing at 12". Not very accurate or scientific at this point but it was late and I was tired!
Then, just for fun and to wake everbody up, I fitted my home made 2.05" orifice, and then another 2.05" on the top of the bench and ran up to the 100% point that I'd marked. However, the vertical manometer was showing approx 11", not 12".
I do have another orifice hole in the cabinet that I was going to use as a blow tester, but that's sealed off.
I know that there's going to be some leaks, and I'll nail these in time. I'm also going to have to fit some valves for the vacuum motors as I'm sure I'm pulling back through the motors as when I get 4 of the 6 motors fired up, then remaining two are spinning, which is not good.
Sorry for my long first post. I'm just a little excited