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Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:25 pm
by pablo
Anybody seen the Mondello Wet Flow option for the S.F. benches??
What is everybody's take on the Wet Flow bench??

Tue Jan 27, 2004 9:36 am
by 98-1074649673
pablo, Any ideas on how it works? Looks like a wet/dry shop vac could be used somehow?

Tue Jan 27, 2004 9:52 am
by pablo
Check out . Good info, pic, & explanation. Yes it's kinda like a wet/dry shop vac but on steroid's. Don't know how it work's in conjunction with a S.F. bench. I imagine it would have to be a totally seperate. As you know you can't run a liquid through the vacuum motors.
I'm in the process of building PHD/MSD homebuilt bench. You can check out my progresss on , tech articles, titled Da Flowbench. I have done a bit more since the first 2 post's. Added a top extended plenum. I the process now of figuring out a baffle system for the top plenum. Plexiglass etc.
(just wanted to show how u can insert a link in the post. Click on http:// when u make a post and it will allow you to enter a link this can be done anywhere in your text. The @ one will let u enter an email address) Didn't mean to edit your post Pablo, thought it would be a good teaching lesson (This will not be a habit of mine to edit posts)
Edited By bruce on 1075212806

Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:07 pm
by 84-1074663779
Bruce, would it be possible to have a "readers projects" section in the Forum, where we could post pictures and a short presentation of homemade flowbench and dyno projects ?
It would need to be separated from the normal threads so it can be easily found, and perhaps be read only for everyone except the original poster. But as projects evolve, it could be edited and added to, but only by the original poster.

Tue Jan 27, 2004 8:05 pm
by pablo
The correct link for my Flowbench stuff would be:
Oh by the way, editing is good thing. Especially on my mess!

Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:52 pm
by Ducky
The link on mondellos site for his bench is not the attachment for dry flowbenches, it is a stand alone unit that has vacuum motors and everything all in one. I posted the same sort of question about the wet flow attachment right before the other message board seized up, or whatever happened. The link I posted on the other forum is:
But if you look thru the mondello link, you can see all the parts and pieces and have a decent idea of how it works.
The way I understand it, you put the bench on exhaust, and BLOW thru the intake port and it introduces a water/dye mix at the intake flange (like where a radius plate goes). The head is mounted with the intake flange towards the bench, and the head gasket surface points towards the user. I would like to know what pressure the pump puts out, or is it just based on the airflow sucking the water/dye mix into the port. Anybody know? I heard it was on display at PRI show this year, with several demonstrations per day. D

Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:03 am
by Greg
From what I understand the mondello bench doesnt give you flow numbers but lets you see where the air is going, plus where you have fuel pooling or dropping out of suspension. The port is sprayed with white dychem which leaves it flat white and then the dye is sprayed through with the air and stains where it hits.
I think it would accompany your regular dry air flow bench rather than replace it.
You can do a similar but probably far less accurate and more messy job using regular spray paint by sucking/blowing air through the port and puffing a few light sprays of enamel down the port. It will consistantly end up stuck to the same spots. Dont use much paint though or you just end up with a nicely painted port. It also shows up where the fuel hits inside the combustion chamber which is handy to see where you could do some unshrouding. Matt black shows up well on a clean port and dries super quick.
I know its not terribly technical but its very cheap! 

Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:14 pm
by Ducky
Greg, bang on. I forgot to mention the fact that mondellos full blown wet bench does not do anything with CFM numbers, strictly for viewing wet flow. The attachment that superflow is selling (made by mondello) is still a mystery to me. Specifically what kind of pressure the fluid pump sprays the dye/water mix at, and what the spray bar looks like, etc. I suppose once it gets out there to more shops people will be willing to discuss how it works, but I have a feeling it is terribly simple, albe it a significant amount of work to duplicate. I have used the blue layout dye in an aerosol can when flowtesting, but it just does not give the answers we were looking for. There was a decent discussion of it with some insight from a user at
in the engine technology section.

Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:16 pm
by Shawn L
Just install the intake manifold you are going to use on the engine and use an old fuel injector to spay the port with some fluid. Seems the best real world approximation. Just need to decide on what fluid will react like fuel, not get the injector clogged and also allow an easily removal die coating.
The electronics for one injector should be easy to construct.
Any ideas on fluid choices?

Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:27 pm
by pablo
The concept of using a fuel injector has some merit. Meaning a spray nozzle of some shape or form. A car intake manifold mounted to the head though would be a way heavy pc.!! Fixturing the head with the manifold would seem to me to be a big problem as this is a reverse flow process. I.E. Intake having to be mounted down on to the bench first, then the head.
Was talking to a old head porter on the west coast and he came up with some stuff he had tried years ago. At first it sounded wild. After thinking about it for awhile I can see it.
Try using one of those weed killer dispenser's. The kind you pump up. Mount the nozzle to a fabricated fixture mounted to intake port on the head?? Remember reverse flow.
Another tip was to use chalk dust from a chalk line device. He said put the chalk dust in something like a turkey baster or maybe one of those camera air cleaning squeezing gizmo's. He said dust will stick to the walls of the port. Not to high tech but worth a try.
Mondello states that they use distillled water mixed with a staining powederd dye. You spray the combustion chamber with a white dye to show contrast from the staining dye.
Checking out his website on the Wetflow bench. It tells all for the most part.

Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:04 pm
by rx7carl
Not very Hi-tech, but in a very interesting article in Circle Track magazine a professional porter/engine builder on NASCAR stock cars simply uses layout dye in a spraycan. Just a little spritz while on the bench and it stains the manifold where fuel seperation occurs and doesnt hurt the flowbench.