by K-Star Automotive » Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:16 am
I see i left out some crucial information. Sorry
My bench has no orfice plates in it. I use a motor control to speed the motors to get my 28". It's all digital , no manometers. The one in the picture is used just for air speed.
The head was flowed on a bench that has the exact same stepped bore adapter as mine.
I calibrated it with the head adapter on it. I guess in my way of thinking you would want the bench calibrated in the "AS USED" condition. But i can say that before i had the head adapter built my bench was running and i checked it with the calibration plates ( they are all bruces)that way also and it has the same numbers as when the adapter is bolted on.
Last night i flipped the head and got the intake valve as close to the front of the bench as i could. The sound it makes changed, alot, and the flow numbers went up.
I am convinced that it's a seperation/shear issue. I just can't think of anything else that would cause that sound. I know on the SSR of a head if you get it under a 15 deg turn you start having issues. I am thinking that the enter/exit port on the back of the bench is less then 15 degrees below the bore in the top plate.
Last night when i was messing with it i stuck the velocity probe down in the center of the 300 calibration plate. I was holding onto it by just the end, when i got it about 3" down it strated spinning circles...
Back when i just got the bench running i used another set of calibration plates(50,150,300 cfm,all bruces) from the bench i flow the head on first. They matched my numbers, and his bench. I can't get my mind around that we could both be so close and it's a electronics /data collection issue.