by slracer » Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:19 pm
Larry, I used an Audie system a friend of mine loaned me before I started building my pitot bench. The way I remember it, Audie uses an orifice in a pipe as a calibration/setup tool but removes it for the actual testing. This is how the atmospheric changes are handled. You calibrate the flow with a dial on the front of the control panel and the electronics then allow you to output the actual flow value at whatever depression you are getting or the value of that flow when converted to 28" H2O. John, if I have that wrong, feel free to correct it as I have slept since then and sleep erases my memory! :p I also don't remember if the actual depression value is available? Although we are familiar with the problems of an orifice in a pipe, in this case I believe that a well produced and calibrated system used as it is will probably work well. (Actually, in this case, it sounds like Keith isn't using that part of the system?) Audie's writeup is here:
but without the internal details.
Keith, I am looking at the pics you posted (very nice looking bench, by the way) and am trying to follow a flow path. Looking at the 2 major tubes on the back I assume you are flowing both ways using the Audie as your "averaging pitot" setup. Where is that piece located? Wherever it is, Larry's suggestion of a top plenum is a good idea! You want to take your static pressure in a non-turbulent (and as close to non-moving) area of the flow as possible and the short distance under the adapter is causing a major amount of turbulence! You don't need the other mods as they were to clear flow through the orifice (which you don't have). As I remember the Audie setup, there were small flow straighteners at both ends. I would add some more length to those if possible as you want the flow through the measuring section as clean as possible. Here is the writeup on my bench explaining a bunch of things you may want to consider.
The whistle noise is not new here, but I cannot find the thread right now that talked about causes and fixes. I'll keep trying, but if you can't wait, try searching through the archives. I know there are some comments in there somewhere! You could help with a bit more explanation on how you are using your "black box". Are you adjusting motor speed so the actual flow and flow @ 28" are the same or getting it close and letting the electronics take over or ?
Looking forward to more pics (overall shot and others). Good luck! -- Doug
I choose NOT to be an ordinary man because it is my right to be uncommon if I can! - unknown