by 84-1074663779 » Tue May 24, 2005 9:00 pm
First thing you need is a suitable transformer and rectifier to provide the required dc voltage and current. Search the internet to find out which model Telma you have, and its power requirement. I have some specifications here, but not all of them.
An old welder connected to a rectifier, or a very large industrial (electric fork lift) battery charger might be suitable, or it might not. Or you may need to order a brand new tansformer specially wound. If that is the case, I can help you with the specification. I am a retired electronic engineer and have done this before.
Next you will need to power the above transformer from a suitably rated variable voltage transformer or "variac" which will allow you to adjust the retarder power from zero to maximum with a large knob. These turn up fairly frequently on e-bay, but you will require a really large one.
That is the simplest and most basic system that will work.