mercdogbench Drawings

Orifice Style bench discussions

Postby JRM » Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:05 am

Would anyone be willing to give me some demensions of the merc bench?
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Postby larrycavan » Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:06 am

MSD Bench....pretty much the same deal..
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Postby Thomas Vaught » Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:56 pm

The MSD Bench is a colne of the SF stuff.

The Mercdog bench is a "Commercial Plan" version of the readily
available MSD bench drawings. If you wanted to say buy the inclined
scale or other parts to build your bench they have the parts. In some cases this might save some effort on peoples parts.

The basic design is not proprietary as the info is everywhere on the NET.

Tom V.

There are several design flaws with the "MSD design" that can be fixed if you read the posts on the orifice bench from the beginning.
Thomas Vaught
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Postby JRM » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:29 am

I was mostly courious on how the dimensions changed from the origional MSD bench design. (I probably should have worded it that way)
I was also courious if the internal cabinet design or sizing was changed or if they added any baffling to the bench.
Larry i did find another problem with my bench. Some of the dang vacc motors would spool up in the oposite direction if i didn't turn all the motors on at the same time.So basically if i turned on only 4 motors, then turned on 2 more the two i just turned on would spin cc and not go into a vacc. Hope that makes sence
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Postby Thomas Vaught » Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:17 pm

Having some check valves on the front of the motors should eliminate that issue. With a motor off there should be no flow and vacuum on the valve. The motor will be at rest. When you flip on the power the motor should run the correct direction and open the check valve.

Tom V.
Thomas Vaught
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