The plans will be based on an orifice style bench using my flow plates it will offer reverse flow for intake or exhaust testing by flipping the plate. Ranges can be changed with different size plates. It will be a mid-range professional looking bench. Flow depression will be via electric motor control, gages will be digital based (you have to buy a flow computer of your choice) or you can design your own manometers from the info on the forum, I'm not supplying that in the plans at this time.
The "foot-print" of the bench will be 36"w x 25"d x 40"h, will have 2-8 blower motors depending on your flow needs, budget and power. The bench can be scaled up, if size is not an issue or for that matter scaled down to suit. The plans will be fully supported here on the forum to anyone who purchases the plans and registers them.
At this time I am still working on the drawings, parts list, pricing and I'd like to build one first before offering the plans forsale. This bench can be built on a budget by scrounging for parts or buying all new with a cost of less than $1000.
What it won't be is a shop vac flowbench or MSD knock-off! It will be comparable in design to a good quality commercially produced flowbench selling for $$$$ with the reputation of the flowbench forum to back it up . . .
I'll keep the forum updated on a release date, I'd like to get it out in the next month so those wanting to build something this Winter have something to do