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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - newbie


Discussion on general flowbench design

Postby K-STAR » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:02 am

Hello everyone, I have been lurking for awhile but now i have some questions....

I am at the begining stages of building my own flow bench,,, I am new at this so be gentel on me!!!!!

I bought the plans from mercdog and i have a cabinet maker building the cabinet for me and he is about done. Now i am looking at the vacuum motors to buy for my bench.

The plans call for a 110 volt ametek motor part # 116457... I was looking on line at the grainger listing and found a 220 motor that is close to the same spec's but of coarse draws 3.0 amps less, plus it moves some more air..... I have access in my shop to a 50 amp 220 circut.... Is there any reason that i would not want to run the 220 motors over the 110????

Also i was told to by dwer manometers for my bench... anyone have part numbers of what to buy??????

thanks for the help...... Keith
K-star automotive
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Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:38 am
Location: YORK PA

Postby 84-1074663779 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:51 pm

Welcome to the Forum K-STAR

It sounds like you have plenty of power available, which is excellent. 220v motors will work fine, and are probably better because the reduced load current will not be quite so hard on the switches and wiring.

Before choosing motors, reach some sort of firm decision on what sort of total pressure and flow you wish to achieve, and then study the pressure/flow curves very carefully of the motors you finally pick.

There is a very wide selection of motors available, some can create massive flow but die fairly quickly if the back pressure is increased. Others can generate high pressure o/k, but flow can be fairly limited. Efficiency can vary widely too, not just between motors, but at different operating points for a particular motor.

Spend some time going through old threads on this Forum, and try to get some exact specifications for the motors you are interested in, it will be well worth it in the long run.

Postby larrycavan » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:19 am


Chad recently had manometers for sale. They may still be available.

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Postby K-STAR » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:58 am

I seen them in the ad section but did not know if they are the ones i need or not???

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:38 am
Location: YORK PA

Postby cspeier » Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:32 am


My bench is also from a Merdog design. The inclined I have is the same billet unit on his web site. I even have a couple resivors I made, I'd give you. The vertical is also the one I used with this bench. I have photos if you want to see the inclined and resivors.

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Postby bruce » Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:48 am

Keith, Stop on over sometime I'm only 30 mins away from your place. I'm in the Ephrata area. We had talked on speedtalk about me stopping over at your shop sometime, just haven't found the time to get over there yet.

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Postby K-STAR » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:13 pm

Bruce i sent you a pm..

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:38 am
Location: YORK PA

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