My LFE bench project - picture of bench

A place to post links to your flowbench projects to share with everyone on the board.  You can share a description and pics also here please limit the size of your picture files to low res pics, Thanks

Postby bnelson » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:57 pm

Here's a picture of my bench. (sorry no picture can't figure out how to post, pointers anyone?) Still not quite done but getting close. Still have to sort out the pressure control. Orignally planned on using a variable speed motor control. I bought a cheapo router speed control and it doesn't seem to be the ticket. Thinking now that I will use a Variac, since I have seen one used on another bench and it worked great. Other option would be to add a bleeder valve to the plenum to bleed air in. Thinking of using a throttle body off of a fuel injected car. Will add more details later if anybody has questions.
Posts: 25
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:35 pm

Postby jsmith » Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:00 am


save the picture as a jpg, you can do this using Paint or a similar program. Also check the size of the file isn't too big, really you need to make the picture less than 80KB. If it is big use Paint or similar program to reduce the size of the picture.

In paint this is done by clicking Image - Stretch/Skew and reducing uniformally by a percentage.

Normally you will find Paint by Start, Programs, Accessories, Paint.

Once you have your file the correct size and saved on your hard drive, you simply use the Browse buton underneath where you post.
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:40 pm

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