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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - Is It Really Worth Painting The Inside Of My Bench

Is It Really Worth Painting The Inside Of My Bench

Discussion on general flowbench design

Postby Dom G » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:27 pm

After finally going through enough aggravation with the original makeshift air doors on my MSD based bench, I ordered and installed 6" Beckson screw-in Deck Plates to replace them.

Tom Vaught if you're listening, they are wonderful and you deserve to get a royalty for every one sold that goes on a flowbench because it is a terrific solution.

Having said that, I have a question since I still have the backs off my cabinet. Is it really worth painting the inside of my cabinet which is made of 3/4" particle board with all seams and joints glued and screwed together and caulked with the good stuff? Does air really escape or leak through the pores of the wood?

I know it can't hurt, but has anyone proven it really helped them?


Dom G
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:59 pm

Postby bruce » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:31 pm

Who has the pics of thier bench leaking through the particle board? They were in another post the other month somewhere . . . now where was that?

Found it!

It was Nick's bench and its about half way down that page.

Edited By bruce on 1141601788
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Postby larrycavan » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:52 pm

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Postby Thomas Vaught » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:27 pm

Ha ha, Superflow owes me a lot of money too but I will never see it from either of you guys, LOL!

Glad they worked for you.

Paint the inside of the cabinet and then you will not worry about it. SF paints inside their benchs even with a multi-layer plywood construction.

Tom V.
Thomas Vaught
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Postby Mouse » Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:15 pm

Particle board does leak.

Use a latex primer, then latex semi-gloss paint. Any color will do, however, I prefer Antique White.

Edited By Mouse on 1141607870
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Postby Dom G » Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:36 pm

It sounds like I better do it.

Thanks everyone for the quick feedback.

Dom G
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Postby riga team » Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:20 am

So is Tom V.! I have chosen fiberglass 2/3"for mine the project, I think it well.
riga team
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Postby Nick » Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:29 am

It was worth about a 5cfm leak if I remember right. I used 3/4 particle board also. It now has no leakage. Try this, fire that dude up in exhaust mode at about 28", and spray soapy water on it. I think you'll be buying some paint.

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Postby riga team » Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:30 pm

okey NIck !Can so, I think to glue on a bar specially softener pitch.
The paint on seams can
riga team
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Postby SuperRunner » Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:31 am

is there any problem with using an oil based primer and paint? I am about to paint my cabinet and need to know.

So, Thomas, SF benches are plywood? I would have thought them to be aluminum.
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