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Tractorsport Flowbench Forum Archive • View topic - Electric wiring 2 phase .... - How you guys do it?

Electric wiring 2 phase .... - How you guys do it?

Discussion on general flowbench design

Postby woogoo » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:03 pm

Hi guys, I want to know how you guys wire your flowbench if you dont have a 3 phase wiring in your home but only a 2 phase.. I saw the old hot rod article but its 3 phase...

its because for now my flowbench are in a house and we dont get a 3 phase. My father is an electrician but he dont understand very well the wiring of the hot rod article and want to know how you guys wire your flowbench to give him some idea

I will be using 8 110v 12amp motor.

thanks in advance
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Postby SuperRunner » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:58 pm

I think you mean single phase. The MSD arcticle is also done in single phase, they just use 220v.

What I did on mine, is I used an sepreate electrical block for all 3 wires, a big one for the common. From the common block, I ran a seperate wire to each motor. Then off of each leg, I ran two wires to 2 sperate 20amp light switches, for a total of 4 switches. Then I ran 4 wires back from the switches, and tied in 2 wires to each of the 4 wires. These would then go directly to the motors

Each leg is 120v when used with the common. Don't get them mixed up, because if you use both legs instead of a leg and a ground, that is 220. I did that and spun up one of my motors(YIKES) was that scary.
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Postby woogoo » Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:39 am

I really dont understand the electric and i will let's this to my father but he explain me in the msd plan the wire got 2 power(110) and 2 ground. and he told me we got only 3 wire here (2power and 1 ground) , he told me 3 wire is two phase and 4 wire is three phase, that why he ask me how you guys connect this to get an idea..

We talk a bit and i think we gonna take the 220 from the main panel from a 240 breaker and we gonna Slip into 2 110v line with 4 Breaker EACH for a total of 8 breaker (one per motor) and we gonna put a 15amp light switch between the breaker and the motor.
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Postby SuperRunner » Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:19 am

I will take a closeup picture of my wiring. Single phase can be 3 or 4 wire. After a certain year, all new houses needed to have a grounded 220 connect, hence the 4 wire. Older houses like mine, only has a 3 wire 220 because I don't have a ground. I really need to add one for my shop though, especially with running a TIG. High frequency stuff can kill electronics.

3 phase is 440v, you don't need to mess with that stuff unless you are looking to use a 10hp+ electric motor.
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Postby gofaster » Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:12 pm

3-phase power generally ranges from 200v. up, not just 440v. I have 240v 3~ service from the power company in my shop, as well as a standard single phase 240/120v service. I have owned machinery that was as low as 1/2 horsepower that ran on 3~.

Most motors that are labeled 480 3~ can have the leads rewired to run on 240 3~. If a person wants to run a 3~ motor on house current, it can be accomplished by adding either a static or rotary phase shifter. If the starting torque is low, the static ~ shifter works fine. ENCO lists them from $79 to $160 in ranges from 1/3 to 5 HP.

Before I had 3~ service from the pole, I ran a static shifter, and later made up a rotary shifter. I ran that stuff for years with no problems, except that my rotary was a little noisy. I still have it, probably should put it on ebay when I find the time.

What I'm getting at, is don't let 3~ put you off. There are some great deals on 3~ equipment, and most people just walk away from them thinking they can't run it. It is more efficient, the motors run cooler and smoother, it's not that hard to do.
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Postby Tony » Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:16 pm

Definitely agree with gofaster on three phase.

I arranged to have three phase connected to my home, and I have never regretted it. I have 3 x 80A (240v/415v) to the main power board, and 3 x 35 A to my garage/workshop.
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Postby SuperRunner » Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:50 pm

Turbocharge EVERYTHING...that is how I see it.
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Postby gofaster » Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:55 am

Here in Indiana they charge me a $30 minimum per month for 3~, same as the single phase. It can go higher if the machines run constantly in a given month. The air compressor is the biggest draw. My shop is close enough to an existing transformer bank that I didn't have to pay extra to bring it in. The Meter base, conduit, feed wire, grounds, breaker box, and necessary breakers ran into about $400 or so. Again, not much different than what I spent on the single~ service. Hope that info is a help to you.
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Postby Tony » Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:23 am

You need to find out from your utility supplier what is required.

Here in Melbourne there is a clause that says, if you have more than 2Hp of heating or ventilating equipment (airconditioning) three phase can be supplied to domestic homes.

It was merely a case of wiring up my three phase load to my meter box. The supply authority then supplied and fitted a three phase meter, and wiring to the utility pole FOR FREE.

Their logic is that I am now going to consume MUCH more power, and their greedy little pig like eyes light up in anticipation of MASSIVE future electricity bills. Sadly (for them) I hardly use any more electricity, except when running my flow bench, hehehe.
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