Wow, this board it an awesome find.
I have been looking on this site and searching the web and it appears to me that all flowbenches work on vacuum. Is this an accurate means of testing intake paths if the application is for a turbocharges/supercharged vehicle? Would blowing air into the part be a better representation of the real world conditions?
I want to make a plenum with balanced flow for each runner, so I figured making a flowbench would be the best solution. I am going to test a stock plenum for comparison so I am not really concerned about the accuracy, mainly just precision. Here is a quick model of the plenum design I am looking to create
I am trying to figure out how to test each runner so that I am not adversly affecting another. Should I have a pitot tube in a short pipe connected to each runner? How would I check to see what will occur when different cylinders are open or closed?
Lastly, am I making this too complicated or missing something?