Since some people ask what my approach could or can do, I will try to make a little overview:
Technically my approach is NOT a fully flow computer. In my first steps I will just offer a multi channel pressure viewer.
This means:
You have up to 2 or maybe 4 differential pressure sensors which will be displayed on an LCD output.
Not more, not less.
If thats working fine at some environments, I will enhance the system.
My Ideas are following ( and external impressions and ideas are very welcome):
1) Adding Temperature sensors. ( Very easy to implement in hardware and programming )
I already played around with a very tiny and laser calibrated temperature sensor. They are a bit expensive (aprox. 10-15 us$), but they
would fit virtually anywhere at the flowbench and it would be easy to add this info to the LCD display.
If there is a need of more than one temp sensor ? - No problem ... I assume that I could easily add up to 8 or more without major hardware changes.
1b) Humidity Sensor ? ( unsure of the hardware implementation work )
Do you guys thinks a humidity sensor would make sense ? I know buying one and having it sticked somewhere near the flow bench can be
fine, but eventually its still good to have it included ?
2) Computer Connection (Easy hardware, medium work on programming)
Both USB or serial connections are possible. I tend to the serial connection, because today USB to Serial adapters cost aprox. 5-10 US$ and include all kind of software drivers. So I don't have to worry about implementing a USB device and afterall there are driver issues in lets say Vista or MacOSX. Using a classic serial port is cheap on the cost side and on the programming (plus old computer always have COM-ports, but eventually no USB).
The computer connection could be used in the first row for sending the measured pressures (and temperatures + humidity(?) ) to the computer. The data then can be stored into Excel / Openoffice Calc or just printed on a big screen. I will at least build a receiver software, which views the incoming data and store it in an Excel/OpenOffice Calc compatible format. ( I am programming typically in Python, so it can run on Windows, MacOSX and Linux/Unix).
3) Calculating the cfms ( Huge work in programming, additional smaller things in hardware)
I am still not sure if it will be possible to calculate the CFM directly inside the microcontroller. Doing the calculations inside means not just number crunchings, but also far more interaction with the user.
Up to this point the programming is very easy to implement: 1. Measure Stuff -> Send to Display (+ serial).
At the point where I calculate, I have build in a little user interface, so that the user can choose (and set/create !) the orifice sizes. This also means additional buttons or a bi-directional communication via the computer connection.
Thats why I am not sure when or if I will get the this step. We will have to see how much time I will find to get into this.
4. Controlling the vac motors

( Don't ask my how much work that would be )
Since I already bought some nice power controls, I am thinking about letting the control of the vac motors been done by a microcontroller. I will investigate into this eventually later this year, but it's not impossible. The motor controls just need potentiometers which I could implement digitally. Since I already have pressure sensors the programming of such a digital control is no rocket science.
This would allow to just set a preferred pressure and the rest will be done by the microcontroller.